Sunday, 3 November 2013

Ready Set Go!

I may have mentioned I've signed up for the NaNoWriMo challenge. Well I'm on my way. I did get off to a slow start mostly down to procrastination and a very busy week :-)

I'm still not sure that I'll reach the golden 50,000 words
but it's great to have something driving me forth.

I have a storyline (kind of). Though it's really just to get me started...who knows what plots and changes could happen once the penstress takes over. I'm not even a story teller or story writer. So it's a month of 'first times' for me

Its also a great way to link in with other writers all over the world
 from across genres, diverse ages and experience.

For me its a major challenge. Its the first time I've actually set myself a writing 'project' and a 'goal'.
Usually I just write for the pure hell or joy of it. I have absolutely no sense or idea of what genre, style, audience I write for. 'I write for me' is usually the best (but meek) answer I seem to be able to come up with.
I also don't write with the intention for sharing, competing or publishing.

However lately I'm feeling more like just getting out there. Not to achieve anything (I've certainly let go of that old dress) but more just to share.

So here I am just happily pumping away at the words; trying to set myself a reasonable daily target yet not bothered if I don't get there. Its a writers bliss :-)

I am largely free-falling so the story can unfold its own's a little sample from  the middle of a chapter that popped out of nowhere, in to the Western Australian Desert and then onto my lap-top this morning...

She loved the open space, the giant curve of big blue sky, the seemingly endless horizon.
No limits to her flight and no end to her imagination. Her mind ran wild with possibilities of freedom, driving into an eternal sunset, chasing the magenta chalks that curved the western sky and arched into rippling purple skirts to the east at the end of each day.

But this morning driving out with these women she felt an urgent desire to run away and  hide.

"You alright sister?" Daisy asked smiling from cheek to cheek curving a row of missing teeth and surly grey whiskers on her top lip. 
“This is good one this one. This one make you a sister now. For sure.”

She tapped the cracked black steering wheel as the Troopie bounced and bucked over the hard corrugated track and deadly potholes.   


More coming...stay tuned :-)


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