Monday, 8 April 2013

I'm Back....Looking Forward

Yey! I'm back.

I've re-found my 'dawnspace', revived my interest/will to write and realised what this blog is all about. And no it's not all about me...well some of it may be. But mostly it's for me to develop, deepen and share:

the joy, inspiration and realisations  
I experience when I spend time in nature.

Now that could be a walk in the park, observing a thunderstorm from the safety of my home, lazing at the beach, walking in a forest, sitting at the edge of a desert or standing arms and heart wide open upon the highest peak of  a range: simply anywhere that I can step into and foster a conscious deep connection with the wonder of the natural world.

Seeing and feeling 
the patterns and peculiarities in nature
 weave stories, songs and dances that 
reflect aspects of my own tapestry, 
unravel my own sense of being,
 connect and celebrate with me 
this gift 
of life.

There may be poetry. There may be prose. There may be simple or profound philosophical inquiry. There may be pictures and photos. Oh and I hope there will be some fun and laughs.

And right now 
as my toes curl 
into the ground 
beneath my feet
 I feel mySelf  
lean forward; 
stepping in to 
this new 
dawn space.

Looking forward...

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